Course Syllabus

Fundamentals of Speech Online Anytime- 805.pdf

Student Resources Policies and Syllabus Policies

Tutoring - Including Writing Center & Math Center

The secret to success is knowing when to seek help. Connecting with the CLC Tutoring Center can help you reach your academic goals. The college encourages you to take advantage of this valuable service. Tutoring is included in your student fees. Writing tutors work with students in any class at any stage of the writing process – from generating ideas to polishing a final draft. Subject tutors support students in mathematics, sciences, and math-related courses, including accounting and economics. There is no face-to-face tutoring at CLC this semester. Live tutoring is offered via Zoom. Google Docs Chat is an option for students working on writing assignments, as is getting later written feedback instead of tutoring in real time. For more information and to connect with a tutor, log into Canvas and look for the Tutoring Center tile on your dashboard or visit

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

Personal/mental health counseling is available at Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) in A151 at the Grayslake Campus or call (847) 543-2032. For a crisis or emergency outside of regular business hours, please call (847) 543-2032 and press #1 for "Crisis" and follow the prompts. When you reach the operator, ask for an after-hours "CYN" crisis worker to be paged.

Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD)

CLC prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in its services, programs, activities, and employment. The Office of Students with Disabilities (OSD) provides academic accommodation, information and support to students with disabilities. Individuals with disabilities may be afforded the following classroom accommodations, including but not limited to extended time for exams, in-class note-takers, interpreters, and readers. OSD is located in Room B171. Additional information may be obtained by calling the OSD office at (847) 543-2474 or email: If you have already contacted the Office for Students with Disabilities and have completed the Instructor Notification Form, please set a time to meet with me to discuss your needs.

Counseling, Advising, and Transfer Center (CATC)

The College of Lake County provides services to assist students with making the transition to college life, getting oriented to the college environment, and reaching their academic and career goals. The Counseling, Advising, and Transfer Center’s Student Development Counselors and Academic Advisors are currently providing services remotely, via email, phone, or Zoom (virtual) appointments. To schedule an appointment, please call (847) 543-2060 or email

Career and Job Placement Center (CJPC)

Career and Job Placement Center (CJPC) helps CLC students learn the skills to prepare job search materials (cover letter, resume assistance), find student employment jobs on campus, and job leads, interview successfully, network and find an internship and apprenticeship opportunities. Career Specialists are available to meet with students individually. Go to  to make an appointment to get a jumpstart on your CAREER!

Educational Technology

Regular computer access is important for your success in this course. Students who need assistance to access computers, internet hotspots, calculators, and other technology tools should visit the Lancers Keep Learning site. Click the yellow “Technology and Learning Resources” button for information about accessing and borrowing technology.








Religious Observance

The College of Lake County accommodates individual students' religious observances in regard to admissions, class attendance, scheduling of examinations, and work. To request accommodation, students who expect to miss classes, examinations, or other assignments as a consequence of their religious observance should provide me advance notice of the date or dates they will be absent.

Student Rights and Responsibilities Policy (SRRP)

The Student Rights and Responsibilities Policy (SRRP) and associated procedures describe students' rights and responsibilities, as well as examples of misconduct inconsistent with the academic environment at CLC. For more information, refer to Student Rights and Responsibilities Procedures (PDF).

Student Records/FERPA

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) gives students certain rights with respect to their education records. Please see the CLC catalog for more details, or learn more about FERPA.

Disclosure of Classroom Recordings

When appropriate, accommodations may allow a student to record or capture classroom instruction and discussion. Students who qualify for such accommodations are required to abide by the terms and conditions of the College regarding the appropriate use of such services and/or devices. This means that, pursuant to 720 ILCS 5/14-2(2014), all students are hereby notified that all course content may be recorded without further announcement and without individual consent.

Withdrawing from Class

You are responsible for dropping or withdrawing from classes you do not intend to complete. Grades of W will only be assigned to students who withdraw themselves. Tuition and fee refunds will be issued to eligible students based upon the effective date of withdrawal, which is recorded in the system at the time the student drops the class.

Instructors are required to administratively withdraw students who never attended or stopped attending class. All administratively withdrawn courses will remain on your academic record and are not eligible for a refund. Grades will be assigned based on dates of attendance:

WN – You never attended class: no impact on GPA

WS – You stopped attending class: no impact on GPA 

FW – You stopped attending class after the official withdraw deadline and your instructor deems you failing: equivalent of F grade for GPA. 

In order to withdraw and receive a grade of W after the deadline, you must request a withdrawal from your instructor; requests must be made in writing and additional approvals may be required. You must have a passing grade at the time the withdrawal request is made. Once approved, you will be withdrawn from class. 

Title IX

The College of Lake County seeks to provide an environment that is free of bias, discrimination, and harassment. If you have been the victim of sexual harassment/misconduct/assault, we encourage you to report this. If you report this to a faculty member, she or he must notify our college's Title IX coordinator about the basic facts of the incident. For more information about your options at CLC, refer to Title IX Procedures (PDF). You can also contact Allena Barbato, Title IX Coordinator at or by calling (847) 543-2464.


The College of Lake County (CLC) is committed to maintaining an environment free from harassment and discrimination for everyone and does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other protected status. CLC complies with the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any educational, employment, or extracurricular activity. Sexual misconduct, as described in this policy, is a form of sexual harassment, which is a form of discrimination and is prohibited by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Domestic violence, dating violence and stalking are also prohibited conduct as defined by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, as amended by the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013.

Safe Zone

As a means of increasing CLC’s commitment to open access and educational opportunity, CLC has actively participated in the national Safe Zone program since the fall semester of 2003. The national program represents an effort to address homophobia, heterosexism, and transphobia in schools and is intended to provide support for LGBTQ+ students, faculty, and staff. The LGBTQ+ Resource Center facilitated program tangibly identifies safe allies for LGBTQ+ people in an effort to increase students’ academic success and retention. I hereby declare myself as such an ally, and this class as a Safe Zone.

It is CLC policy for students to use whatever bathroom they wish to use on campus. This policy is supported by the gender-inclusive signs in front of every bathroom. There is also a single unit, gender-neutral bathroom stall in the C-wing on the first floor (C160A).

If you wish to change your name on Canvas to your preferred name, please contact the Dean of Student Life, by calling (847) 543-2287.








Course Summary:

Date Details Due